Success for largest residential sub-division in Byron Bay

Byron Bay, Australia

NSW Planning and Environment Court appeal upheld

Harvest Estate is the largest residential subdivision in Byron Bay in 30 years. Boyd was engaged, through the planning consultancy he founded, to coordinate the planning approvals, landscape and visual assessments and ecological surveys over the site. The development required Bio Banking applications and an off-set strategy which were submitted to the New South Wales (NSW) government.

A referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 was necessary for this development application. This was due to potential impacts to scheduled species and communities. Key species dealt with through this application included the Koala, Wallum Sedge frog, Grey Headed flying Fox and migratory waders. Threatened communities within the location included Coastal Swamp Oak (Casuarina glauca) forest of South-East Queensland and NSW. The application addressed key legislative issues including the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy for wetlands and the coastal environment, and Koalas.

Boyd prepared necessary documentation for the EPBC Act referral and liaised with Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment officers throughout the application process. This included work to address post approval off-set obligations.

The application was subject to an appeal to the NSW Planning and Environment Court. Boyd was engaged to mediate directly with the Byron Shire Council and as the planning and environment expert. The appeal was resolved and consent order issued, enabling the development to proceed.

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